Communities and Justice

Exempt from jury service

You may be able to claim exemption from the jury roll on the basis of your occupation.

People entitled to claim exemption from jury service include:

  • clergy
  • members of any religious order who are under vows
  • medical practitioners, dentists and pharmacists, who are currently in practice
  • people employed by fire, ambulance, rescue or other emergency services (except for part-time or voluntary workers)
  • people who have served as jurors within the past three years
  • people summoned for jury service, who were available and prepared to serve as jurors within the past 12 months, but did not serve as jurors (they were not selected)
  • people entitled to be exempted because of previous lengthy jury service
  • a person who resides with and has the full time care of a person who is sick, infirm or disabled 

How to claim exemption

You can make your claim for exemption by writing to the Office of the Sheriff.

Tick the appropriate box on the Notice of Inclusion and return the form to the Office of the Sheriff along with documented proof of your claim to be removed from the jury roll.

The sheriff will notify most applicants in writing of the outcome of their application. If you do not receive a response contact us on 1300 722 574. If your claim is rejected, you can appeal against the decision to the local court. You must appeal within 28 days.

Last updated:

24 Feb 2020

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