Communities and Justice

Support for people who are deaf or hard of hearing

Do you find it hard to hear in the courtroom? Or do you use a hearing aid? If your answer is ‘yes’ to either of these questions, our staff can assist you by arranging hearing amplification equipment for your next visit to court. 

Infrared assistive hearing system 

The department uses permanent and portable infrared systems to assist people who are hard of hearing. These are similar to hearing loops but ensures the information stays within the courtroom. The infrared system can assist people who appear before a court, including: 

  • witnesses 
  • parties involved in the case 
  • jurors 
  • legal professionals 
  • relatives and friends.

Arranging the infrared system 

Two weeks before you go to court, contact the court to check if they have an infrared system you can use. If they do not have the infrared system they will order one for you.

The court will ask you for: 

  • your name (and your connection to the court case e.g. witness) 
  • the date of the hearing 
  • the name of the case. 

On the day 

  1. Arrive 30 minutes before court starts. 
  2. Locate a court officer or go to the court office and explain you have requested the use of the infrared system.
  3. Confirm that the equipment has been installed. 
  4. Collect the receiver with your choice of earpiece. (If you have a ‘T’ switch on your hearing aid, turn that on and use the receiver with the neck loop.) 
  5. Check the volume levels and the best place to sit in court. 
  6. Talk to the court officer if you have any difficulties during the hearing. 
  7. Return the receiver at the end of that day’s hearing.
Last updated:

03 Dec 2023

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