Communities and Justice

Excluded after an offence

People convicted of certain offences or serving a prison term are among those excluded from the jury roll, in terms of the Jury Amendment Act 2010. Certain offenders are excluded for life from jury service. Other offenders are excluded for a limited time only.

Excluded from jury service for life

People excluded from jury service for life are those found guilty or convicted of:

Excluded from jury service for a set time

Those excluded from jury service for a set time include all people who are currently serving a prison sentence or are being detained in New South Wales or elsewhere. In many instances they qualify for jury service a few years after completing their sentence.

Adult offenders

People over 18 years old currently serving a prison sentence in New South Wales or elsewhere are excluded from jury service. 

A sentence of imprisonment includes:

People who have completed a sentence of imprisonment are excluded from jury service for:

  • seven years after serving a prison sentence of less than three consecutive months
  • ten years after serving a prison sentence of three consecutive months or more.

People in custody or preventative detention, awaiting trial and other categories 

People are excluded from jury service during any period in which they are:

People bound by court orders

People are excluded from jury service while bound by an order made in New South Wales or elsewhere following a criminal charge or conviction. 

Orders include:

Juvenile offenders

People found guilty of an offence committed when they were under 18 years old, are excluded from jury service while being detained in a detention centre, other institution for juvenile offenders or correctional centre.

Being detained in a detention centre or other institution for juvenile offenders includes:

  • being subject to a suspended detention order
  • being on probation or parole after serving part of a period of detention

People who have completed a period of detention for an offence committed when they were under 18 are excluded from jury service for three years after the expiry of the period of detention.

Disqualified drivers

People are excluded from jury service during any period of 12 months or more during which they are disqualified by a court from holding a driver's licence.

Undischarged bankrupts

People who are undischarged bankrupts are excluded from jury service during the period of their bankruptcy.

Last updated:

29 Nov 2023

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